Memberships & Accreditations


ISO 9001


Our mission is to provide high quality engineering solutions to our customers. We are committed to enhancing customer satisfaction through continual improvement of our procedures, processes and systems. We are accredited to AS/NZS ISO 9001/2015.

AS/NZS 4801


The safety of our workers, contractors, customers and visitors is the most important thing to us. We are certified to AS/NZS4801 Occupational Health & Safety Management System which we are continually improving.

ISO 14001


At CPT Engineering we are serious about reducing our environmental impact and have implemented an environmental management system which operates to AS/NZS ISO 14001 standards. We encourage all workers to take a proactive approach to limiting environmental hazards.

Our environmental management system ensures issues are addressed appropriately and risks are controlled at all our work sites. We minimise our environmental impact and have installed a 300kW Solar System to future proof our operations.


Weld australia
Keen partners


We recognise for us to grow and prosper, so should those around us. We believe in working closely with our clients, contractors, employees and the community.

We are a member of the Bell Bay Advanced Manufacturing Zone (BBAMZ), an independent economic development group in northern Tasmania, which aims to foster business partnerships and community growth within the region. Through our membership with BBAMZ, we played a pivotal role in the establishment of Key Education and Employment Network (KEEN), a training provider established to enhance employment opportunities with employers of choice.

In 2016, we partnered with Bell Bay Aluminium (part of the Rio Tinto group) on a project to repair the aluminum smelter’s anodes, which are integral to the production process. Our joint project received recognition from Business Action Learning Tasmania (BALT) for the partnership’s ability to achieve reduced savings and elimination of hazardous waste.

CPT Engineering founder Geoff Watson is a member of the BALT co-ordinating team, which includes representatives from industry and government, and other stakeholders.